Content Marketing


Mid-Week Push: Knocking the Writer’s Block

Congratulations. You made it through Wednesday! That mid-week hurdle is long gone, and I’m sure you can see the weekend. I’m looking forward to it for sure. For one, I’ve been a little under the weather for the past few days, complete with aches, pains, all that good stuff. Second, I’m banking on feeling better and enjoying a few outings and celebrations that will happen in the next few days. [Woot! Woot!] But before I can get my head into...

Blogging: The Strategy of It All

Blogging. I’m assuming you know what this method of communication entails…especially since you are on my blog at the moment…so I won’t go into the nitty-gritty of the basic who, what, where, and whens yet. That’s best reserved for a much lengthier post. I am, however, going to share a few thoughts on the how of blogging. More specifically? The ‘how to evolve that blog’....

Week in Review: Internet Sensations

It’s been such a crazy week. I really have neglected my little blogging duties – sorry, everyone! And even though it was busy, it was a lot of fun, so there’s that. During the week, I discovered a few fun sites, learned about new, important updates in the industry, and got my May Birchbox (I know, off topic but yay!! Might be a post in My Night Life later..). Alright, let’s get this wait over and share my review of...

Week in Review: Let’s Talk Social

I’m enjoying an unusually quiet Saturday afternoon in my house today….and I love it! With the babe taking a nap and the hubbs handling “car stuff”, I’m presented a few moments were I can quickly get my thoughts out on my digital “paper” and check out my fellow SEM blogger posts from the past week. First, a quick question – Where did this week go? As I pulled out of work yesterday, I said out loud to myself, “Didn’t I...