Thursday Thoughts


Week in Review: What’s Your Journey?

For this Friday’s post, I’m going to squish in some Thursday Thought action along with a Week in Review. Watch out! It’s a mash-up! I had a nice morning that was complete with my darling daughter and her aunt. Once the little miss drifted off into nap-land, the ladies chatted about life – our current professional lives, journey in motherhood, and the ultimate quest to find “us”. In the end, what really matters is not the destination, if you ever...

Thursday Thoughts: Keep Going!

Yes, another [few] days tardy on the Thursday Thoughts post, but I’m holding true to my nights without screens. I just need to now figure out a better way to manage the time to draft blog posts. And as I write this, it reminds me of the purpose of this exact post: don’t give up. Keep going. Even though things might seem difficult at times, push yourself to the limit. It might go beyond your comfort zone. You feel as...

Thursday Thoughts: Time to Turn Off?

Well, that week certainly ran away from me – in a big way. And because I didn’t get my Thursday Thoughts post up on the actual day, I thought I would take the time to do it today. No harm in a two-day tardy post, right? 🙂 During the past week, something became very apparent to me – the level of screen attachment I have is RIDICULOUS. A quick and dirty calculation of my time spent with my eyes on...

Thursday Thoughts: Can’t Stop Growth

This week is my daughter’s last week in the “cuddlebug” room at day care. It’s nuts. She’s finally moving up to the “butterflies”. She will join her friends that have moved on before her, have much more space to roll around and eventually crawl, new toys to explore, and even more new friends to meet. Throughout the week, she visited the “butterflies” and started to adjust to her new surroundings. A fairly easy transition. Surprisingly. I don’t know why I...