Feeling under the weather when you’re pregnant makes perfect sense (unfortunately). When you’re pregnant, your immune system doesn’t pack as big of a punch. Thank goodness for that … it’s allowing a foreign body (i.e., that cute baby) occupy your body. However, the downside is the increased probability that you will become sick. And this time of year, colds are very common … and huge bummers.
I was slammed with a very unpleasant (but thankfully, short-lived) cold over the holidays. When I wasn’t at my best, there were a few things that helped me get through (sans medicine). Hoping these quick ideas will also help the rest of my pregnant mamas get through the cold season …
1. Rest
Never underestimate the power of a great nap … or just vegging out and not do a single thing. Seriously, take the time for yourself especially at the onset of a cold and just s l o w down. When you get a cold, your body is telling you something. It’s running down, and you will feel the effects very soon. Listen to your body and take the time to relax. (And trust me, I’m still trying to understand this. Slowing down can be hard.)
If you go the nap route, try propping up your upper body/head with pillows. This helped me so much when I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath during my recent cold. Bonus tip: this will also be the position you will use for that newborn when he/she gets the sniffles for the first time.
2. Stay hydrated
Keep the fluids coming. It will help you as well as your growing little one. Water is my go-to and keeps the mucus at bay (T.M.I. … ?) but also a really great cup of hot tea with a health dose of honey does magical wonders. I think there is something to be said for a cup of hot tea.
3. Keep busy
It might just be me but when I’m feeling not great as a result of a cold, I find that once I’m on the tail-end of it, I start picking up more activities to get my mind off of it. I’m a big believer in mind over matter. Therefore, I suggest things like going out for a nice walk to get fresh air (if the weather cooperates), coloring (yes…), reading a book or picking up another yoga class.
4. Be sure to take your vitamins, fruits and vegetables
It’s important to keep taking your prenatal vitamins. Those have great amounts of zinc and vitamin C. Also, if you can sneak in another fruit or vegetable here and there, that will only help. An easy way that I found was to make (or go and grab) a smoothie or fresh juice. SO good. Smoothies and juices are great supplements to meals.
5. Get a candle melter
And drop a tablespoon of Vicks into it. Turn it on and let the scent fill the room. I guarantee you’ll start to breath easier. We have also purchased the Vicks plug-ins but this is just as effective (and more cost effective).
If there is something you do to help kill the cold, let us know! The more ideas, the better!