We’ve started a little semi-nightly ritual in our house: evening coffee. I know. It’s probably the worst habit to develop. But after we put the little one to bed, bubbs and I like to sit down with a cup, relax and enjoy each other’s company. Because I’m a coffee addict, and my hubs needs the caffeine right now to stay away (night shift grossness), we’ve been playing around with simple syrups and making “lattes”. HINT: Use this trick to make...
August 17, 2015
Couples Who Coffee: Our Favorite Lattes + Recipes
July 28, 2015
5 Ways to Survive Kids’ Birthday Parties
To say we were blessed with Madeline’s daycare situation would be a very huge understatement. This place is just the tops. Bee’s knees, if you will. Wonderful yet sassy, up-beat and creative teachers always there to greet us in the morning, scooping up our little and readying her for the day. Rambunctious friends that call to her as they burst into the room. Sweet smiles and the occasional friendly short exchange between parents during the drop-off and pick-up. Pretty neat stuff. Anxiety...
July 9, 2015
At-Home Honey Lavender Latte {No Fancy Equipment Needed!}
There’s a coffee shop in town that makes the best honey lavender lattes. I’m addicted. #NoShame However, because weekends are lazy and let’s be honest, I’m not going to travel too far each weekend to get my latte fix, I needed to come up with a way to make it at home. And I cracked it. So, so happy. When I tasted it, I shouted to bubbs, “This is it!” And so, my coffee-loving friends, I’m passing this on to...
June 23, 2015
Quick Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
My entire family can’t get enough of these cookies. I’ve been baking them at least once a week and gifting them around the clock. My dad adores them, and he is the one that eats the most, so naturally I need to keep him well stocked! I’m always on the look-out for new recipes and tweaking old favorites, and I think this oatmeal raisin cookie recipe is pretty outta sight. BONUS: It’s extremely simple so if there is a doubt,...
June 20, 2015
Dad of the Year 2015
I don’t know what it takes to be called “dad of the year.” I’m unsure what characteristics or qualities a man needs to possess in order to earn this title, but if I had to give the description a good ‘ol college try, I would define it as… Dad of the Year noun. [dad uhv th-uh yeer] devoted fella who willingly gives his hands and heart to his family; active participant in tea parties, swimming lessons and outdoor catch; bedtime...