This post is coming a bit late but one that I need to share as we continue to celebrate Memorial Day. A few weeks ago, my Mads and I were driving home from my parents’ house. And, like any other day, we hit a small patch of traffic. Longest traffic light ever. My mind wandered, and I started looking at the cars and trucks to my right. One white truck stood out. It had a memorial sticker for a fallen...
May 27, 2014
Remembering Sgt. Amanda Pinson
May 20, 2014
Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #10
Woah. It’s been a hot minute for Weekly Wishes. Life gets in the way and neglecting goals can happen. Not the greatest excuse, but that’s where we are, friends. I’ve started to enjoy a more relaxed down-time schedule, which I definitely think has its advantages, but ultimately, I’m a creature of habit. I crave structure. {Listen to me – same words I hear from my toddler’s teachers… but there lies the truth!} Whether you just move with the wind or...
May 15, 2014
Recap on Twitter Updates
Marketing update! It’s time. Too many darn things are happening. I can’t ignore the updates anymore. Today, I’m focusing on that ever-lovin’ Twitter. //New profile layout The deets: Your cover image is beefed up to 1500 x 500, you can “pin” a post to the top of your feed, and your “favorites” are now more prominently displayed. What this means for you: Twitter is starting to put greater emphasis on imagery and beefing up the importance of engagement. Listeners and...
May 10, 2014
Smoothie Lovin’
During the week, mornings can be a challenge. In order to combat these blech feelings, my Mads and I have developed a nice routine – smoothie making! Not only do we have fun mixing and matching all sorts of fruits + veggies, but we give daddy a little bit of an early wake-up call. I’m pleasantly surprised that she’s into this as much as she is. I mean, she’s very honest with her opinions. And I just love hearing...
May 5, 2014
Walk Down Memory Lane
My main squeeze and I had a few quiet moments to ourselves this weekend so we decided to take a trip down memory lane. We went back to where it all began. The beginning of us near Tower Grove Park in the Southwest Garden District. One thing I will always love about this area are the tree-lined streets. Yes, we had our fair share of pollen-covered windshields and friendly birds making themselves comfortable on the roofs of our cars, but...