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Vacation All I Ever Wanted …

Summertime and the living is easy. Somewhat. Well, it was during vacation. 🙂 We had one single goal for this vacation: relax. I would say we achieved the goal with flying colors. There is something very special about living on lake time. Late mornings turned into late nights. We never rushed or felt like we needed to get something done. It was just really, really good. I encourage a schedule-free vacation for everyone once in a while!...

Podcasts for the Mamas in the Front Row

podcasts for moms

I’ve been on a podcast kick lately. I don’t remember the first podcast I listened to nor do I remember how I really found out about the first one I heard, but something that immediately captured me, and a reason why I really love many of the podcasts I listen to today, are the unique perspective on the subject matter. Granted, the majority of the podcasts I listen to focus around motherhood, parenting and family life, but that is a...

Homemade Watercolors


Our little girl is a lover of making. Not a day goes by where she isn’t coloring a page, making a card or drawing with chalk. She adores color. So, when I noticed a few paint recipes floating around Pinterest, I started doing a little research on what we could do at home. Anything new that we can add to the mix is great. Add in the fact that this recipe is EASY just adds to my motherly joy....

Father’s Day

father's day | oopsie doopsie blog

I’m late on the post but not on the sentiment. You can bet your bootie we try our best to celebrate this dude every day of our lives because father’s day shouldn’t just be one day a year. These fellas, my dad included, do a million and one little things every single day to make sure we are ready to take on just about anything … and if it’s something we can’t handle, I’m sure dad can lend the helping...

The Dance of Motherhood

Dance by definition is both a noun and a verb. Dance as a noun typically means a gathering of people joined by a common theme to partake in the verb of dance. Dance as a verb means to move one’s feet or body in either a choreographed or freeform way. Music is optional but most often present in both definitions of the word. Dance: sometimes intimidating but often rewarding and in my mind, really fun....