Pinterest Marketing Check-List

July 8, 2013

I have been on Pinterest a lot lately. One, because once you start, it’s still hard to stop. Two, we are in the process of decorating a few rooms in our home, and I’m getting a ton of great ideas, so the time use is effective. 🙂  But while pinning my dream closet and gallery wall designs, I noticed several online retailers not using Pinterest to their full advantage. Yes, I am “window shopping” for the home, but I can’t escape the fact that this brilliant marketing tool could be used to a store’s benefit.

Here is a quick list of items that should be optimized to maximize the user experience, enhance Pinterest marketing campaigns, and make it easier for your audiences to locate  product/services:

Pinterest Marketing Check-List :: #EatSleepMarket ::

Account Information

  •  Be sure to complete your “About You” section with a fun description, user name and any related keywords. This is often forgotten but an important aspect to the site’s search.
  • Associate your website with a Pinterest account – use the analytics!

The Pins

  • Always include an image ALT tag and/or image title. This is your description when pinned directly from your site.
  • Include a URL within the ALT or title. It’s a followed link that will beef up those SEO efforts.
  • Include a campaign-associated hashtag within the ALT or title. This can be a quick way to track the immediate exposure of the pin and see how many people are liking or pinning it.
  • Optimize the pin’s landing page for conversion. Don’t make us hunt for the image/product/service. We pinned it, liked it, and now want to check it out. If you make a user hunt for it, chances are they will leave without a second thought – they will go to a new pin.
  • Include author/attribution within the pinned image. If it’s your image, feel free to include author attribution and/or title to ensure your main points are carried with that pin throughout Pinterest. Descriptions can change but not the image.

The Boards

  • Create relevant but specific boards. If you create a board with a very broad topic, you are limiting content creation. If you can, spread out your content. And be sure it is relevant. Is there a holiday or event in the near future? Piggy-back on those marketing efforts.
  • Include a unique description and URL within board descriptions. This is helpful in search, both on the network and in Google.
  • Don’t neglect the category. Pinterest occasional adds new categories based on major interests of the users and upcoming holidays. Use these cues to your advantage.

Hope this introductory check-list will help beef up your digital marketing efforts. If you need guidance, send me a shout!


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