The other night, I did something that I don’t do very often – I restarted my computer.
It was running a little slow. My browser was not allowing a n y t h i n g to appear in the foreground. I needed to maximize/minimize a zillion and one times to just get one thing accomplished. It was awful. My productivity crashed. I wouldn’t say I became aggravated or stressed. I mean, it’s just a computer. I won’t get too bent out of shape over it … yet. But it definitely was annoying.
I took a step back and thought about the last time I actually turned this sucker off, even if it was just for a second. A restart. Forever. I don’t even remember when. That was enough reason to just power down for a moment.
My computer was tired. And realizing my technology was basically crying for help, I stood up, walked away from my computer and thought about how much time I spend at the computer a day. If I were to be honest and throw out a pretty good guesstimate, I would, I don’t know…probably cry. Or let out an enervated sigh. Probably more accurate. I would sigh at how many hours I spend staring at some sort of screen. Constantly connected and always “on”. Acknowledging the amount of time is not the worst feeling in the world, but it’s definitely taxing. Exhausting.
A new outlook and plan of action will start on the weekends. Granted, I don’t spend too much time on the computer on Saturdays and Sundays, but that phone sure stays by my side.
Twitter, Bloglovin and Pinterest – oh, my!
To reconnect with myself and turn my attention completely to the moment, I plan to shut down my computer on Saturdays and Sundays {unless something crazy happens that requires my attention} and restrict phone usage, face that online community FOMO head on and love on my M extra long, hold my bubbs closer, talk to my parents an extra time, laugh with my brother a little louder, be present with my friends a little longer and take a moment for just me, myself and I.
…and on that note, I’m out.
Have a great night, friends!
September 15, 2014I really like this post. 🙂
September 15, 2014Thanks, Suzy 🙂 Always a struggle, I tell ya! Thanks for stopping by.