

Words for the Week + Weekly Wishes #1

Hello, again! Happy Monday to all of you out there – hope it’s treating you well and that you were able to emerge out of our turkey-induced food coma and join the real world 🙂 I know that this morning was a little rough for this gang! {Talk about exhausted! Sure, sleep was a little short to come by the past few amazing/exhausting/fun-filled days but this mama spent about 20 minutes just trying to get the troops to open their...

Goal Smashing

Ah, the weekend! Already here again 🙂 And with that, we close another work week that was hopefully filled with accomplishments. Let’s chat about setting goals and not necessarily the life-changing, oh-my-goodness-this-is-a-once-in-a-lifetime goal but those milestones that you might dismiss because you think they are too small to matter. However, if you’re thinking about achieving this next step, no matter how small, it’s a goal you set for yourself. So, what should you do? Smash the hell out of that...