Being a Mom


Morning Routine Challenged

mads and mom on easter

Mornings seemed to always come easy in our house. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m a morning person. I enjoy getting up before the rest of the house begins to stir and get a jump start on the day, making sure coffee is prepped, vitamins are in a row and there is some form of clean clothes. I tidy up the kitchen and start the dishwasher. I pick up stuffed animals. I...

The Dance of Motherhood

Dance by definition is both a noun and a verb. Dance as a noun typically means a gathering of people joined by a common theme to partake in the verb of dance. Dance as a verb means to move one’s feet or body in either a choreographed or freeform way. Music is optional but most often present in both definitions of the word. Dance: sometimes intimidating but often rewarding and in my mind, really fun....

First Time Mom: 10 MORE Things They Don’t Tell You

The first installment of First Time Mom // Things They Don’t Tell You was definitely a very accurate summary of the first year of Madeline’s life and my first year as a first time mom. It focused on the itty-bitty of it all. The very beginning. Now, we’re winding down the second year. I have no idea where that year went {AND that is one thing they DO tell you – you blink and time vanishes}. So let’s jump in!...

Role of a Mom

Let’s talk about moms. All kinds of moms. Anyone that was blessed with the role of mom, either by choice or circumstance, blood or adoption. I never really grasped the true significance of a mother’s role until I was placed in the mom role. In short, it’s fucking magical. Not necessarily unicorns riding on white, fluffy clouds but unveiling the silver-lining in a world that may be perceived as completely turned upside down. I always appreciated anyone that took on...