Goal Smashing


Remembering the Big Picture

My day-to-day involves a million different details. {Here’s a personal life snapshot.} Morning Light Details: At home, I rise and shine at 5 a.m. I complete a multitude of varying tasks that include running, breakfast and lunch assembly, baby cuddling and coffee making. Oh, and getting myself put together. Out the door by 6:50 a.m. – at the latest. Early Morning Work Details: Wrangle top priority to-do list. Check email, social media, feedly. [insert fast-forward sound here.] Evening Rush Details: Get dinner...

Goal Smashing

Ah, the weekend! Already here again 🙂 And with that, we close another work week that was hopefully filled with accomplishments. Let’s chat about setting goals and not necessarily the life-changing, oh-my-goodness-this-is-a-once-in-a-lifetime goal but those milestones that you might dismiss because you think they are too small to matter. However, if you’re thinking about achieving this next step, no matter how small, it’s a goal you set for yourself. So, what should you do? Smash the hell out of that...