


Thinking// Will my pickles turn out? I snagged the recipe from a fellow blogger. I don’t know why I’m so…nervous about this. Overthinking it. I just need to remind myself that good things take t i m e. A wonderful lesson that can be applied to so much in this awesomely awesome life, wouldn’t ya say? And of course, I’m also thinking about my Mads turning two. Oh, my goodness. Two. Where did the last two years go? I know,...

Simple Joys

One of my favorite weekend moments is brushing my teeth with my little girl on Saturday morning. So silly. But so sweet. We’re always racing the clock in the evenings and on Sunday mornings that our little Saturday time is a bit more relaxed and we can take our time relishing in this experience together. {Whether she learns to love or hate brushing her teeth as a result of this is up for debate, because I plan to continue this...