

Easy Gingerbread Recipe

gingerbread cookies

This year we decided to make gingerbread cookies. We always decide to do a little baking … #holidays … but this year, our girl requested to make and decorate gingerbread. I’m not one to say no to that, and she’s at that age right now where she can somewhat help in the kitchen. Watching her get out ingredients and start measuring is really exciting (and sometimes nerve-wracking) to watch, but a memory nonetheless. Where does the time go …...

Scenes from Yesterday // 02

Our family celebrated the Easter holiday yesterday, and I can’t express enough how enjoyable this day was for us. We laughed until we were out of breath, ate until our tummies were almost uncomfortably full and searched for eggs until the littlest one finally said she was done. A blessed day that reminded us that God is great, His Son is awe-inspiring and we will always remember…because without sacrifice, our family, friends and festivities would not be possible. However you...

Holiday Staple: Snickerdoodles!

We’re eating on the blog today. Oh. My. Goodness. I seriously cannot get snickerdoodles off the brain so I just did it – I made them. The recipe? Amazing. Should you try this recipe? Yes, why haven’t you yet? Oh, that’s right – I haven’t shared it yet. Well, read on already! It’s too simple not too. Total crowd pleasers. Need a reason? IT’S THE HOLIDAYS – WHY NOT? Share with your neighbor, your cat, your daughter, your friend at...

Movie Night! The Ultimate Christmas List

The Christmas holiday is in full swing in this household, and I just can’t get enough! I figured I’d do just a quick list of my favorite holiday favorites… and ones that you should catch in the next*gulp* 20 days til Christmas. {Where is the time going?!} Enjoy, friends! 1. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 2. A Christmas Story 3. White Christmas 4. Holiday Inn 5. How the Grinch Stole Christmas 6. Nightmare Before Christmas 7. Meet Me In St. Louis...