Meatless Monday


Black Bean and Corn Quesadilla

I’m going to knock on wood before I make this next statement… We were certainly blessed to have a baby, well, toddler, that is such a good eater. {Eh, as I typed those words, I seriously started to feel slightly anxious…} As a result of this rock-star-never-taken-for-granted-please-don’t-let-it-end-now-God eater, we still continue to try new things, keep on track with our Meatless Mondays and aim to have fun but simple meals during the week that still have great flavor (and seasoning!!)....

Meatless Monday – Sort Of

I’ve started my version of Meatless Monday with my family. In other words, we don’t eat the meat of walking creatures. We will gobble up fish, but mostly the meal will consist of veggies. I was able to sneak this day into the week, and hubs didn’t notice. He wasn’t aware until last night. But he didn’t flinch. My meat and potatoes man didn’t take a second look at the fact that we weren’t having, well, meat and potatoes. With consistently...