morning routine


The Day I Was Called Mom

Mads is a chatterbox. CHATTERBOX. She talks non-stop, something that I lovelovelove and will always treasure. My hopes for her teen years include maintaining her chatterbox tendencies with her rockstar, oh-so-cool parents. I can dream. But that’s light-years away, right parental veterans??? Okay – don’t want to think about it! So, it was a regular morning driving to daycare. She and I have very philosophical and thought-provoking conversations on the way to school. From what Winnie the Pooh will be eating for lunch to...

8 Ways to Shake Up the Mundane

If you ever get in a rut and think you’re digging deeper and deeper into a hole of humdrum scheduling, it’s time to read this list. Bookmark it. Keep it around. Let it serve as a reminder that there are 8 ways to reignite that passion for life and to just have fun! {Sorry crafty DIY-ers, I’m going a little to the left.} 1. Go for a stroll in a park Sounds very simple. Probably because it is. Geez. But...

How Spider Crawls Crept Into My Morning

My morning routine is exactly that – a routine. I have it [almost] down to a science since our precious baby entered the picture. A glimpse: alarm strikes at 5am – I’m up! Get my daughter’s milk and feed her. Done. Clean bottles, if needed, gather her bag for the day, get lunches together, get my gear and put it car. Done. Get myself ready for the day. Done. Get peanut ready for her day. Done. And we’re officially off...