

Fighting a Cold When You’re Pregnant

fighting a cold during pregnancy

Feeling under the weather when you’re pregnant makes perfect sense (unfortunately). When you’re pregnant, your immune system doesn’t pack as big of a punch. Thank goodness for that … it’s allowing a foreign body (i.e., that cute baby) occupy your body. However, the downside is the increased probability that you will become sick. And this time of year, colds are very common … and huge bummers....

The Dance of Motherhood

Dance by definition is both a noun and a verb. Dance as a noun typically means a gathering of people joined by a common theme to partake in the verb of dance. Dance as a verb means to move one’s feet or body in either a choreographed or freeform way. Music is optional but most often present in both definitions of the word. Dance: sometimes intimidating but often rewarding and in my mind, really fun....

Mom Brain

If you haven’t used the excuse, I’m sure you’ve heard someone else say, “Oh, mom brain!” The Breakwomb did a hilarious skit with mom brain, and I’ll do the favor of sharing it with you right now … I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself after that amazingness. “Mom brain” has been getting moms out of missing the peanut butter in that peanut butter and jelly sandwich for years. This phrase is often code for “overworked-forgetful-whoa-man-that-still-does-it-all-but-still-forgetful.” In other words, it’s not...

I Blinked.

I say the same thing every year: I don’t know how it happened. Somewhere between the nighttime feedings, scrapped knees, ice cream dates, daycare pick ups and potty training, my itty bitty baby turned into a three year old. Three years old. I know what happened … I blinked. Truly a mother’s curse. I’ve never been so scared and yet so anxious to blink. I remember when we were finally able to bring her home from the hospital. Those first few...

Role of a Mom

Let’s talk about moms. All kinds of moms. Anyone that was blessed with the role of mom, either by choice or circumstance, blood or adoption. I never really grasped the true significance of a mother’s role until I was placed in the mom role. In short, it’s fucking magical. Not necessarily unicorns riding on white, fluffy clouds but unveiling the silver-lining in a world that may be perceived as completely turned upside down. I always appreciated anyone that took on...