St. Louis


Scenes from Yesterday // 04 // Soulard Farmers’ Market

I adore this time of year. We love getting out in the sunshine and enjoying the neighborhoods around St. Louis. And we always seem to make our way back to Soulard. Without a doubt, this place will always have a piece of our hearts. It’s a neighborhood that holds a lot of firsts for us and one that will continue to bring us good eats, plenty of drinks and the best entertainment. A weekly stop for our family is the farmers’ market. If you...

Walk Down Memory Lane

My main squeeze and I had a few quiet moments to ourselves this weekend so we decided to take a trip down memory lane. We went back to where it all began. The beginning of us near Tower Grove Park in the Southwest Garden District. One thing I will always love about this area are the tree-lined streets. Yes, we had our fair share of pollen-covered windshields and friendly birds making themselves comfortable on the roofs of our cars, but...

Thankful Thursday // 02 // Storm Edition

I’m writing this as we hunker down in the basement during a crazy thunderstorm/on-again-off-again tornado warnings. {…but I know I don’t have enough chocolate for this…} We sure know how to throw a weather party in the Midwest. Seriously. I don’t know the last time we had just a normal week of steady temps and non-exciting weather. I’d like to take a vacation from this “climate” that which is called St. Louis. But if I were to be very honest...