Yes, another [few] days tardy on the Thursday Thoughts post, but I’m holding true to my nights without screens. I just need to now figure out a better way to manage the time to draft blog posts. And as I write this, it reminds me of the purpose of this exact post: don’t give up. Keep going. Even though things might seem difficult at times, push yourself to the limit. It might go beyond your comfort zone. You feel as if you might fail, but go for it. You never know how much you can do, what you are capable of, if you allow yourself to just be…uncomfortable…for a few moments.
Whether it’s in your professional or personal life, surprise yourself and take that leap. There were a few moments this week where I wondered where I would find the time, the effort, the knowledge, the patience to complete tasks…to succeed. But I pushed through, it’s now Saturday, all things are accomplished, and I feel great!
What could you accomplish if before you stopped, you pushed further for just five more minutes??